He cleared the ice and looked beneath the clear ice sheet. Tears rolled down his eyes, freezing on his cheeks. There she was, looking serene and calm as if she was finally where she had always wanted to be. It has been ten years, long ten years. But looking at her face it is hard to believe. Even after a decade she still looked so young, so beautiful, so desirable. Looking at her beautiful wife, buried down under that ice sheet at the peek on Everest he wanted to cry out loud, but even his voice froze.
Tara was an avid mountaineer, and a good one too. She have had many moments of summits on many dangerous mountains. But being at the top of Everest was all she dreamed of. He never really understood her fascination, what she called love, with that ice-clad bone-chilling mountain. Somewhere, deep in his heart, a fear would always creep in at the mere mention on that mountain but he never showed. He knew nothing could stop her if she had a chance. He prayed to God, prayed for not giving her the chance. He thanked him as each day passed until her love won. She danced in ecstasy as a team wanting to summit Everest extended their hand to her. She left him for a long training session, then left him for her true love and never came back. Only the news came that she was missing. Even after many efforts they could not find her body
It took a year for his hope to die down, hope that some day she would come dancing on her success. It took him three years to came out of the grief of the loss. She was everything to him. For another three years he tried to decide what he wants to do with his life. One day while he was going through her things he found her diary. After reading he realized she had loved only two persons in her life- Everest and him. She had also mentioned her dream of seeing both her love together.
He now had a mission. he was determined to fulfill Tara's dream. And somehow deep in his heart he knew he will find her, he will find her waiting for him. After a long training and many failed efforts of summit and finding her, today he was there. In front of him lay Tara, buried in the ice grave and ahead was the summit, his mission, his dream, Tara's dream. He stood by her, relishing the feel of her touch that were still fresh in his mind after all these years.he stood there reliving his moments with her. Then with slow and steady steps he started for the summit. His heart felt light now. It was amazing how just a glimpse of the one you love empties you of all pain and grief. He now knew it was her plan to bring him and Everest together. She disguised herself like a peek on the Everest, the best disguise he had ever seen. And she knew all along that he would come for her, to find her and fulfill her dream.
This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.