COMMUNICATE:- then u wont have to compromise that much

why is it that you are hurt most by the people you love?...

At times it is really tough to answer Questions like these...
ever really thought why??
I guess not

because their thought about you, their feelings about u matters the most to you
then why are you hurt so much when they complain
or disagree or get angry at something bout you???
and most of the times you don't know what that something is
you get annoyed and just feel like slipping away from everything
you don't take first chance and ask them
you get angry because you feel you are not being appreciated

but is it the way out

solution is to communicate
no body is a mind reader
the best way to understand and to be understood is to talk
talk about how u feel
ask about what others feel
find out where the problem is
talk out the solution

you will see how easy it gets to be lived up to your expectation
and to live up to others expectations

it isn't that tough

develop your understanding to such a level
that u talk your man's or girl's heart
and u say it best wen u say nothing at all

it takes time but then
every good thing does

its all about how willing you are to get things easy and tension free..........
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