till death do us apart...may be

This post has been published by me as a part of the Blog-a-Ton 37; the thirty-seventh edition of the online marathon of Bloggers; where we decide and we write. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton. The theme for the month is "Truth is stranger than fiction"
- See more at: http://www.blogaton.in/#sthash.D12eOHxv.dpuf

holding hands

Truth is inevitable
Truth is undeniable
truth is stranger than fiction

He lay at the hospital bed, exhausted and barely alive. His eyes drifts to the woman napping at the side of his bed. She hadn't move from his side in 3 days, not even for a minute, so he had been told by the nurse. He looked at her long, trying to remember when he had seen her last, so close to him.

She still looks the same, except for a few strands of grey hairs and a few symptoms of time taking a toll on her.

He felt tired and closed his eyes, his thoughts drifting back to her. They had been married for a decade before they got divorced. She had been a simple, sweet, homely young woman. Subdued and down to earth. All these qualities that he once fell in love with started to feel like shortcomings once he met Souramya.

Souramya, his thoughts drifted to the day he laid his eyes on her. She was a few years younger to him. Like a buzz of fresh air, her presence always filled the surrounding with an unknown energy. She was fiercely independent, fashionable and romantic and of course beautiful. And like every man in the office, he also fell hard for her charms. Somehow, for some reason that he never understood, she also got attracted to him. There proximity grew in to what he thought was love. But in time he realized he was wrong, only a bit too late.

He remember how gripped he was in Souramya's charm, so gripped that he never left a chance to compare his wife with her. All the qualities that he once loved in her, now made her look lowly to him.

True, grass is always greener on the other side, and like a perfect ass, I went on to graze, only to find it was an illusion.

He sighed, cursing the day he asked for the divorce, remembering the hurt, that had become a permanent expression lately. for a moment there he felt guilty. But he saved himself, by 'its for everyone's good' kind of explanation to himself. Soon after the divorce was finalized, he and Souramya got married. Initially, the guilt of divorce haunted him, but Souramya was like a whirlwind. She consumed him totally and completely. She was insatiable in many ways, and sometimes she made him realize he was too old for her. Her taste was expensive. She had a lavish style that she wouldn't compromise on, and she lived on both her and his salary like a parasite. It wasn't long before he realized choosing Souramya over his wife was a big mistake. He was miserable and he couldn't go back. She left him with no family or friends that he could talk to. He befriended alcohol in desperation. He would drink and come home late, while Souramya partied. And it wasn't long before he heard about her having an heated affair with a hot-shot bachelor of the town. That day they had a huge argument and at the end Souramya stormed out humiliating him on the grounds of his ability to physically satisfy her.

He was left with two options, either leave Souramya or stay back with her to be humiliated everyday, But no option took him to the path he wanted- back to his wife. He would secretly watch her taking care of home, its finances and his children alone. At times he would feel a very strong urge to walk up to her and cry and beg for her forgiveness, but neither he had the heart, nor strength. And he drank. he cried and drank. He cursed himself and he drank. And one day he found himself in the hospital, along with the cancer. And her, his wife, beside him. He was dumbfounded. Cat got his tongue. He looked at her with tears welling up in his eyes. She smiled sadly, said nothing, but ran a loving hand on his head, like only a mother could or a wife who really loved her husband. He wanted to apologize, but she kept a finger on his lips.

In coming days, he came to know that Souramya never once visited him, that his wife was struggling hard to keep him alive, that he had been the world's greatest fool and that now he is being a coward. When she came with his lunch, he pulled up all his strength and poured his heart out. And before long, she hugged him tight and the both cried. They cried for their love lost, the cried for the time gone, they both cried for giving up on each other.

Every minute she was by his side, the held hands, he talked as much as his energy would allow, they told each other how much they loved each other. And when he died, he had a look of peace on his face, like a sage who have found his salvation, and she cried once again. Because he left her alone once again, but this time she knew that he did love her, and she knew, this will be her strength for the long life that lies ahead, the long and lonely life.

The fellow Blog-a-Tonics who took part in this Blog-a-Ton and links to their respective posts can be checked here. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton. Introduced By: BLOGGER NAME, Participation Count: 07
- See more at: http://www.blogaton.in/#sthash.D12eOHxv.dpuf

29 Obiters:

AJNABI said...

Nyc post story.. U keep it simple.. Nd vry good.. All d best keep writing.. Do visit my blog..once

the factfiction said...

Thankyou...sure will :)

Mixi said...

Such a bittersweet story. You managed to weave so many emotions, and yet never once did your narrative go over the top or turn judgemental.

A beautiful write. Besties for BAT!

Mixi (My BAT entry)

the factfiction said...

Thankyou, thankyou so very much :D

Karan Shah said...

nicely written...some always get smitten by the beauty of the beast
but then its the person u grow older with that remains and not the looks, beauty diminishes
do drop in at:
- Don't Whine

the factfiction said...

true karan...thanks...sure will drop by :)

Maliny said...

Sometimes it takes a hard blow to come back to the senses and to realise that the pasture we owned was worthier . A very good message put across through a well narrated story . Loved it :)

TCPC said...

wonderful narration. loved the way it came up that truth is stranger than fiction and bitter too! yet never late to accept it,...:)

the factfiction said...

Rightly said maliny :D thanks

the factfiction said...

Yes :D and thankyou :D

RioZee said...

Nice twist given to the beautiful tale.
very thoughtful penning.

the factfiction said...

Thankyou Rio :D

asteria's canvass said...

its sad that its such a common happening..world should come to its senses.

Panchali said...

Neat, crisp and touching narration. I am only happy that he was able to reach a stage where he managed to have a vision for his life. Enjoyed reading this story very much!

the factfiction said...

Indeed...but sense is such a rare thing to come to

My Cactus Dress said...

Knock knock!
Hey, you just won the "Creative Blogger Award"

Check out this link for more details.



the factfiction said...

thankyou :D a very very thankyou

aativas said...

A real life story; nicely written.

the factfiction said...

thankyou :)

Viyoma said...

Interesting - Emotional Touch in the story - really brought out well.

All the best for BAT 37.

the factfiction said...

Glad you liked it...thankyou :)

Vajra said...

Fantastic read..Its true that people attract to outer world called fiction but dnt know what their inner world is(Reality)..? ATB for BAT 37

the factfiction said...

Yes :) thankyou Vajra :D

Cifar said...

emotional,flawless,fantastic read

the factfiction said...

Thankyou cifar shayar :)

Karan Aylawadi said...

Nice story... it is great to see so many of us coming up with different stories like this .. all the best :)

the factfiction said...

Karan...I agree...its all about perspective :) and thanks :)

Anonymous said...

Shashank:- A true story with the true fact which give the resemblance of day today life who ran after myth.

Awesome Love Story with the other side.....

the factfiction said...

good to see you shashank...and thanks :)

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