The Journey to Today

footprints on sand

The madness of new year was not yet down although it had grown three days old. It was 3rd January but the celebrations are still on the top. She smiled thinking about the enthusiasm of her husband and his elated self when she gave him the new year gift.

"Oh, baby, baby I love you so much. You have given me a gift that is incomparable.You have given me everything."

...and with this he had taken her high in his arms and spun her around laughing like a 3 year old kid who has just received his most cherished toy. Well, it was bound to be like this, after all she had given him the most precious gift, the pleasure of fatherhood.

She went around lost in the ecstasy of the feeling of another life breathing inside her. She had so much to do and yet all the work now no more irritate her like it did before. She collected all the clothes and started putting them all in place. The feeling of being a mother was so musical that every time she walked she felt like she had been dancing instead. She opened her cupboard to put her clothes inside when her jeans from her college days fell out, bringing together so many memories.

This faded greenish blue jeans was her favorite wear anytime. Be it her regular class or college function or any party and outings, she always wore this jeans mixing it up with various tees and tops and accessories. This jeans had become her identification mark. And it goes without saying she was in the same jeans when she first met her husband.

Theirs was supposed to be the arranged marriage. Blame it on her jeans they fell in love truly, madly, deeply even before the things were finalized.

"You look...ummm...I means this jeans suits you. Actually, you look stunning in this one." Reyansh had complimented her and she had blushed in response.

And from then on began the saga of their love. The jeans had them started falling in love and they haven't stopped since then. It had been a long Journey to what she is and what she has today, but it has been beautiful as well. And after today it has turned in to a complete fairy tale with the ever after.

This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.

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