He loved brushing his teeth and filling his mouth with foam. He had been brushing when his sister came with paper in her hand, her new found attraction.
"Did you know toothpaste makes your bones brittle, also causes fluorosis and Alzheimer. And whatever they use for making foam causes skin diseases, infact most of them are used in cleaning greases and cars. Ewww, so much for healthy teeth.
*gulps* the foam went down his throat.
"Really? ", his eyes almost jumped out of his socket. He turned and looked in to mirror, expression presumably shocked.
Ignorance is such a bliss, he thought.
This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda. We give out a creative writing theme each weekend for Indian bloggers.
The prompt was ignorance is bliss and this is an attempted 100 fiction.
8 Obiters:
Lovvd the write up...and Title is awesome...The Toothwaste...how you think all these...brilliant :)
your brain into my head = brilliant ideas :p
ha ha ha. nice pic and accompanying story
:p thanks :)
Hilarious it is
glad you liked it :)
An unusual take on the prompt! Really appropriate picture!!
thanks a lot :)
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