The Monsoon

mother with a child

She sat on the staircase of her front porch, taking in the darkness of the night. Deserted roads, fallen leaves, yellow streetlights flooding them, total scene gave the night a perfect autumn look. But the fact was, it was monsoon and there was still no sign of rain. The weather was as dry as her soul. The silence was occasionally broken by the sounds of cricket and other insects. Tanishka sat pondering over her life. She was 32, had been happily married for a short while when an accident robbed her of any chances of motherhood. While she was trying to seek comfort form her husband and in laws, they were planning for a divorce as if it was her fault. So, now at 32 she was divorced, forsaken by both families, living alone in a bungalow provided by her company, for a job she thankfully never gave up. The days were full of work but loneliness in every night and spare moments were trying to kill her and she had no idea how to save herself.

On a Sunday her life took a step towards turning. As her habit was, she took her cup of morning coffee and walked out to her front garden only to see a little kid hiding behind the bushes, scared and crying. When she comforted him, he told her that he had come with his teachers and many kids and he was lost. There was an address card pinned to his shirt. She fed him and then decided to take him to the given address. The address took her to an orphanage run by a church. She handed over the kid to Mother of the orphanage. She thanked her profusely and took her for a round in orphanage. The flawless smiles of kids of all sizes and ages gave her the comfort she always sought.

It became her routine, after work she would come to the orphanage, tell them stories, played games, she loved the kids and they loved her. But the emptiness inside her stayed. After a few months, Mother told Tanishka that someone have left a ten months old baby girl. Tanisha looked at her, she had a face of an angel. The baby girl looked at Tanisha and gave her a most amazing toothless grin. What followed then changed her life forever. The baby crawled to her, Tanisha took her in her arms, the baby touched her face with her little fingers and said her first words 'Ma'. Tanishka's heart tugged against her chest. Tears flooded her eyes. She knew God has decided to fill up the emptiness inside her. She asked Mother to process the formalities of adoption. It took few weeks before Taniska could take her angel home. That night she held her against her heart and felt complete and it rained that night.

This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.

11 Obiters:

Cifar said...

beautiful story

Auspicious Rain

Cifar said...

now following your blog

amit said...


the factfiction said...


Anita Sabat said...

Really touching!
So well narrated. :D

the factfiction said...

Cufar Shayar: Thanks :)

the factfiction said...

Anita: Thankyou :)

the factfiction said...

Cifar Shayar: oops sorry...typing mistake :P

Anonymous said...

A beautiful story expressed in a sensitive way. One can never how life can turn beautiful when we least expect things to happen.

the factfiction said...

vishal: true :)

Pawan Hegde said...

Happiness is around the corner. :)

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