picking up a birthday gift for you is the hardest thing I have ever done. What can I give a man who gave me so much. Yes! All I want is to keep this smile sticking to where it is right as you read this. You do know how I feel about everything- about you. You can practically read my mind like you are my other half. May be you are, because the way you make me feel, I haven't felt like this , in how long, like ever. You felt my joys and sorrows, pleasures and pains, like your own. and my question remains- what can I give to someone who gave me my dreams, my smiles (that I flaunt all day long), the peace that I feel even with the demons inside. NO! don't answer me. I already know- NOTHING. There is nothing I can gift you. Your birthday or not- I am determined to gift you something everyday- simple pleasures of life, the sweetness of 'US' being together, my faith, my support, my love (how so ever it be). And I will see that I honor my promises to you- as long as I live.
forever yours,
2 Obiters:
My Most desirable,
I had read somewhere that the degree of troubles you experience while choosing a present for someone, defines the level of proximity with that person. And I feel like I'm on cloud nine to know that I gave you the hardest time choosing one for me.
Yes you are my better half ... a part of my soul long lost in the ruins of time. The most revered treasure of mine. I had been looking for you all my life. I stumbled upon a zillion failed relationships and had my li'l heart broken umpteen times, before you entered my life.
By the moment I met you,I had lost all hopes of finding you. Destined yet so serendipitous, it was.
I am not much of a believer, you know na, but now I want to believe in some Omnipotent, Omnipresent, ever Pious force. Some Supreme being who is always listening to every ape-shit we utter, however absurd it might be. I want to tell Him/Her(Dunno for sure yet), how grateful I am for making our life-paths intersect. Else there are many who don't even have a glance on their soulmates in an entire life.
Coming back to my gift... well you present me a present every moment you're present by my side.
Every move that you make,
every joke that you crack..
Every roll of your eyes,
every hair strand that flies...
Every silence you hear,
every conversation you steer...
Every fear you share,
every challenge you dare...
It's a present for me.
Do I need more?
Yes! One thing ... Just this one. Whenever You hear the word "Love", Remember me! Not my face, not how I dress, not my words, not my jokes. Just plain unadulterated me.
Will I get this token of affection too, just like all others you rendered me?
Yours Truly
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